Can I write a blog?

I once tried blogging. I think it was in 2010 and let's just say I wrote like three posts. Mostly photos, not a lot of writing. I've never considered myself to be a writer and I'm totally ok with that! I do art and I'll leave the writing to others.

And yet, here I am! Writing... A blog post...

Dear wonderful reader, English is my second language and I also don't know what to write. Let's try a version of stream of consciousness and see where that takes us, shall we?

I feel so serious sitting at my desk writing words without emojis! This may or may not be a way of procrastinating the process of building my website, which probably is what I should be doing. But then I saw the blog feature in the platform where I'm building my site and I thought – Perhaps I should write something.

Stockholm is cold, -7 degrees C (19,4 F). We finished decorating our tree today, very cozy! Now I just need to find a Glögg (spiced mulled red wine, served hot with raisins and almonds) that's not overly sweet, which most of them are to me.

Now that I've successfully procrastinated the website building, Ima go hang out with my husband and a cup of tea. Just got a new one by the way (tea that is, not husband), it's called Earl Gay. Freaking amazing name, flavor, packaging and fundraiser for a Swedish LGBTQIA+ organization!

Thank you for reading this. I have no way of checking if my “text content” is entertaining at all so this is a getting out of my comfort zone kinda thing for me.

Take care,



Slow and steady